Join with over

2 million

monthly shoppers that
have made the switch.

Start voting with your hard-earned dollars and ensure that your purchases support companies that promote freedom.

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We found a company that shares our values!

An American manufacturer that produces high-quality, eco-friendly products that are better for our families. They offer solutions for every area of our lives.


Comparable Prices

Non-toxic Products For
Every Area Of Your Home and Life

How can my purchases make a difference?

Many of the consumer goods we buy today, are manufactured by a handful of conglomerates!

Your family's health could be at risk.

Did you know that cleaning your home could be dangerous to your health?

Certain products produced by the eleven conglomerates that dominate our monthly consumable purchases can lead to serious illnesses.

Some of the household cleaners you are currently using may cause:






Do you use any of these products?

If you do, your health could be at risk. These manufacturers have led us to believe that their products are safe when in reality they could cause us illnesses.

These are the companies we have been supporting...

Lawsuits mount against Procter & Gamble over cancer-causing chemical in Old Spice, Secret sprays.

How can I switch stores and support my country?

Joining our movement is as simple as 1, 2, 3...

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top of this page.

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text or email.

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informed decision.

YES! I want to receive more information.

Simply complete the form, we'll give you access to a video that provides the details on how you can make an impact just by choosing where to spend your hard-earned dollars. There are no obligations for filling out the form.

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